Barcode Xpress for Linux v13.1
Barcode Xpress for Linux v13.1 introduces the following improvements:
- License Manager and Server Licensing Utility now supported on all Java Runtime Environments 1.8 or later.
- Added a new licensing option - Metered Licensing.
- Added a Python sample, ReadBarcodesPython, that opens images and searches for barcodes.
New Resource for Barcode Xpress on our Website:
Barcode Xpress for Linux v13.0
BarcodeXpress for Linux v13.0 introduces the following improvements:
- Added support for MicroPDF417 Barcodes.
- Added the AdditionalReadingPass property to scan the image a second time at a smaller resolution to potentially find more barcodes.
- Accuracy improvements for Data Matrix and Code 39 barcodes.
- Updated documentation with more explanations and code examples.